LED public lighting

Israel Ma’alot-Tarshiha launched this week the public lighting renovation project, the city will be by the end of this year will be a public place and 13000 of the street lighting appliances replaced with LED lamps and lanterns.

Ma’alot-Tarshiha is located in the west region of galilee, the city began this week for the city public lighting renovation project, and will be completed at the end of the year and 13000 street lighting in public places a replacement of the appliance. According to forecast released on Sunday the city municipal, in after the completion of the renovation project, with a population of just 20000 city will save more than 80% of the power supply for public lighting costs, the total of about 3.5 million shekels a year (NIS), the amount of the next decade to at least 25 million shekels.

A city of Israel will become the world’s first all adopt LED public lighting of the city

Ma’alot-Tarshiha has Harbin city of a project called “towards the light”. The project total investment of about 12 million shekels, including municipal subsidies to 5 million shekels, project costs from the environmental protection bureau and copies. The city said the project would start three years to achieve cost recovery. The city vice mayor Silas, Liberia, according to save money by LED lighting will be used for energy efficiency, infrastructure and water conservancy projects.

“This project let city has a sense of pride and a pioneer,” Silas said, “but we won’t lie in the honor, we will continue to push forward the Ma’alot-Tarshiha other green engineering.” It is learnt that the project of 13000 LED lighting lamps and lanterns will appear in the 16 public building, dozens of office buildings, seven schools and 6 in the park.